Apprenticeships - building a career that's right for you

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We have thousands of apprenticeships and other roles across the UK that you can search for. You can also filter by your location, industry preferences and the type of job you’re after!

Your career choices

When it comes to choosing an apprenticeships, degree apprenticeships, traineeships or graduate roles, your options are almost endless. Here at GetMyFirstJob, we want to make it easy for you.

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Our partners

Our partners aim to make the most of every opportunity to ensure you get the right skills and qualifications. Together, our community can offer you a wide range of specialist skills and facilities.

World class employers

Whether a big business, small and family run, or a central Government department in Whitehall, your experience and skills development will be designed to meet your needs and theirs

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Stuck for inspriation? Explore a selection of our featured occupations - or dig deeper to find something that's just right for you. Learn how GetMyFirstJob helps you to find your dream role.

GetMyFirstJob Apprenticeship Partners

Apprenticeships with The Royal Academy of Engineering | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with Microsoft | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with RSM | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with BMW Group | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with Costa | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with Transport for London | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with RAF | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with Channel 4 Content Creatives | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with Dentons | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with PwC | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with Rural Payments Agency | GetMyFirstJob
Apprenticeships with Accenture | GetMyFirstJob

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How Employers Can Support NEET Young People in a Generative AI Powered Job Market

Between June and August 2024, Movement to Work partnered with The Prince’s Trust, GetMyFirstJob, Microsoft, and Accenture to explore how generative AI can support individuals aged 16 to 30 who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). The study collected 173 responses from NEET young people across the UK, aiming to explore the barriers they encounter in accessing employment, as well as how they engage with, or refrain from using, AI in their job search. Here are key recommendations to better accommodate NEET candidates and integrate AI into the recruitment processes.

top tips Advice & Tips

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How Generative AI Can Transform Your Job Search

Between June and August 2024, Movement To Work partnered with The Prince’s Trust, GetMyFirstJob, Microsoft, and Accenture to explore how generative AI (Gen AI) can support individuals aged 16 to 30 who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). The study collected 173 responses from NEET young people across the UK, aiming to explore the barriers they encounter in accessing employment, as well as how they engage with, or refrain from using, AI in their job search. This blog shares the findings and explains how you can use AI to help towards securing employment.

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Navigating the Competitive Apprenticeship Market: Tips for Success

Ambassador-led blog written by Erin Dooley, Data Science Tech Apprentice at GSK

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How to use Microsoft Connector now you have your exam results

So, the big day has been and gone. Exam results day can be a very emotional time, but the really big decisions come after you open the envelope. Whether you got the results you were looking for or not, the Microsoft Connector platform is ready and waiting to help you to take your next steps into your career.

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Our Apprenticeship Ambassador Programme.

We know that making a decision about how to start your career can be a difficult one to make. There are lots of different options available to you and any one of them could be right – but how do you know what will be perfect?

That’s where our Ambassadors come in.

We’ve spoken to some of the top apprentices from a variety of different companies and industries to get their stories. Click below to visit their profiles and find out about their experiences.

We have even created our very own GetMyFirstJob mentor platform so you can speak directly to our Ambassadors online and ask them any burning questions you have about apprenticeships!

Showcasing Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships, Work Experience, Events and Graduate Opportunities.

Opportunity with RSM | GetMyFirstJob
Innovation Reliefs Assistant - Tax - Various Locations - 2025

Various Locations
Higher Level 4

Opportunity with RSM | GetMyFirstJob
Audit Assistant (AAT) Various Locations - 2025

Various Locations
Higher Level 4

Opportunity with RSM | GetMyFirstJob
Audit Assistant (AAT) Various Locations - 2025

Various Locations
Higher Level 4

Opportunity with RSM | GetMyFirstJob
Consulting - Various Locations - 2025

Various Locations
Higher Level 4

Opportunity with RSM | GetMyFirstJob
Consulting - Various Locations - 2025

Various Locations
Higher Level 4

Opportunity with RSM | GetMyFirstJob
Tax Assistant - Various Locations - 2025

Various Locations
Higher Level 4

Considering an Apprenticeship?

There are lots of benefits to apprenticeships, here are our top 5:

  • Paid Training
    Not only will your organisation (or the Government) pay for all of your training, but you’ll be paid to do it. That means you could actually get paid to get your degree and have no debt!
  • Range of career opportunities
    There are over 625 different apprenticeships to choose from, in a range of industries. Whether you’re interested in law, marketing, construction or engineering, you’ll find something up your street!
  • Earn & learn
    As an apprentice, the minimum you’ll earn is £6.20 an hour, but we’ve seen apprentices earn a starting salary of up to £30,000 a year! You could also get other employee benefits like gym memberships, paid holiday and sick pay.
  • Great career prospects
    Employers think apprentices are 15% more employable than those with other qualifications. In fact, many large employers train their graduates and apprentices together!
  • Learn on the job
    There’s only so much you can learn when you just do a qualification. As an apprentice, you’ll also get to learn on the job - whether that’s designing amazing graphics, chopping vegetables or building engines!
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Your first steps into the world of work for Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships, Work Experience & Graduate Jobs