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Work Description

Playworkers deliver and facilitate play opportunities for children in a range of formal and informal settings including play groups, play schemes, free play locations, and in pre- and after-school activities.


Entry may not depend upon academic qualifications, although some employers will expect candidates to possess or be working towards a relevant qualification. NVQs/SVQs in Child Care and Education are available at Levels 2 and 3. CRB clearance is mandatory.

Job Tasks

supervises children’s games and encourages the development of physical, social and language skills; provides play areas and prepares materials for a wide range of children’s activities; encourages children’s independence, self-confidence and social interaction; organises and supervises children on excursions; organises and supervises children’s activities in accordance with Health and Safety regulations, deals accordingly with injuries and emergencies; puts away equipment and cleans premises after use; liaises with parents, carers and colleagues and keeps appropriate records.

Related Jobs

Assistant, centre, play Assistant, club, out of school Assistant, leader's, play Assistant, play Assistant, playgroup Assistant, playschool Assistant, school, play Assistant, schools, play Coordinator, activities, club, school, after Coordinator, club, out of school Helper, infant Helper, playgroup Helper, playschool Leader, play Leader, playgroup Organiser, playgroup Playworker Ranger, play Supervisor, club, afterschool Supervisor, playgroup Supervisor, school, play Teacher, school, play Worker, play Worker, playgroup Worker, playscheme Worker, playschool 

Estimated Pay

Information on weekly pay (average, median and decile) is taken from a combination of two sources: the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE); and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) (both conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)). ASHE is widely regarded as the most reliable source of information on Pay and Hours, however it does not include information on pay by qualification as well as some other characteristics (such as self-employment).

Unemployment Data

The level and rate of UK unemployment for this career path measured by the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as a percentage, using the International Labour Organisation's definition of unemployment.

Projected Employment Levels

Estimated Hours

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