Between June and August 2024, Movement to Work partnered with The Prince’s Trust, GetMyFirstJob, Microsoft, and Accenture to explore how generative AI can support individuals aged 16 to 30 who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET). The study collected 173 responses from NEET young people across the UK, aiming to explore the barriers they encounter in accessing employment, as well as how they engage with, or refrain from using, AI in their job search. Here are key recommendations to better accommodate NEET candidates and integrate AI into the recruitment processes.

Set Clear AI Usage Policies in Job Descriptions

While 85.5% of NEET respondents reported knowing what generative AI is, 48.6% reported they’re worried that using AI could harm their chances of being hired.

Employers should make it clear when AI is appropriate and if as an employer you accept its usage in the application process. By communicating these guidelines clearly in job adverts, you can remove the uncertainty candidates feel and build their confidence. You could even invite applicants who use AI to share how they used it, so across the board there is more transparency.


Provide AI Training for NEET Candidates

Generative AI has the potential to simplify complex and time-consuming tasks, such as applying for jobs. However, only 26.6% of respondents reported using AI at some point in their application process. Of these, 12.1% used it primarily for indirect tasks like researching roles or practicing for interviews, while 14.5% used AI directly to apply for jobs.

To help NEET candidates take full advantage of AI, employers can offer free access to AI tools and provide training on how to use them effectively. This will not only improve their confidence in navigating the job market but also help them develop valuable digital skills. Partnering with organisations like Movement to Work can further assist in delivering free AI training and offering access to trustworthy educational resources on gen AI.


Align Training with Future AI Skills

As AI becomes a bigger part of the workplace, employers should anticipate which skills will be most in-demand in the coming years. By investing in training, employers can help NEET young people develop the AI skills they will need for future roles.

Collaborating with organisations like The Prince’s Trust can ensure that young people are given the chance to gain relevant, job-ready skills. Hosting workshops or offering internships focused on AI will also help NEET candidates prepare for a working environment that could heavily involve AI.

Making Recruitment Inclusive with AI

With 17.9% of respondents reporting medical conditions that affect their daily activities, AI tools can help by quickly matching them with suitable job vacancies, saving time on job searches. Employers can support these candidates by simplifying application instructions, being transparent about the process they follow to find successful candidates and reconsidering whether the qualifications noted in job descriptions are always necessary. Offering reasonable adjustments and allowing candidates to use AI to streamline the process will make recruitment more inclusive.


Use AI to Provide Personalised Feedback

Generative AI also offers opportunities for employers to give personalised feedback to unsuccessful candidates, especially when there is a high volume of applications. AI can quickly generate constructive feedback from interview notes or CVs, helping candidates understand how to improve.

This would be especially beneficial for NEET young people, who may need more guidance and understanding on how to enhance their future applications.


Moving Forward

Generative AI is a powerful tool, but the data shows many NEET young people are still uncertain about its role in the job market. Employers can address this by being transparent about AI use during the application process, providing training, and making the recruitment process more accessible.

By following these steps, employers can not only help NEET candidates navigate AI confidently but also help prepare their own teams for a future that could heavily involve AI.

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