At Activ8 For Kids you will be working towards a Community Sport and Health Officer L3 Apprenticeship Qualification over the course of 15 months.
Your role and responsibilities will vary day to day. The following are responsibilities you will be expected to carry out:
Planning and administration
● Check the rota regularly and ensure you are aware of the classes you are attending
● Produce detailed plans for every session you lead using our template session plan and upload to the drive
● Ensure you have access to the registers and that you have all the relevant details (name, DOB, Emergency contact information, any medical or SEN needs or allergies)
● Ensure the provision of a high quality environment to meet the needs of all individual children
● Be constantly aware of the needs of the children and deal with additional needs appropriately
● Familiarise yourself with the information on the school and class you are attending
● Maintain records of attendance for every session
● Ensure all accidents and incidents are recorded on the day and signed by parents/carers. These forms should be stored in your A5 folder
● Ensure all safeguarding procedures are adhered to and all relevant information is recorded. This includes reporting any safeguarding concerns immediately to your line manager/DSL
● Complete review sheets thoroughly at the end of each session and ensure they are on the drive
● Complete timesheets daily and accurately
● Ensure that all information and work from home is recorded on your coach file on the drive
● Organise in advance with your line manager any equipment you need for your sessions and report any lost or damaged equipment as soon as possible.
● Ensure you have your DBS and photo ID at all times for schools to inspect
● Arrive in plenty of time and with the correct equipment
● Ensure that all sessions are engaging and fun for the children.
● Ensure all sessions are inclusive and you involve all children
● Adapt to the needs and interests of group or individual participants
● Communicate instructions and commands using clear, simple language
● Encourage participants to gain and develop skills, knowledge and techniques
● Ensure there is a high standard of health and safety at all times
● Inspire confidence and self-belief
● Be polite and accommodating when working in schools, this may mean having to change location within the school at short notice or other adjustments.
● Always represent the company in a positive light. Make sure phones are away when entering the school, dress appropriately, remember that piercings and tattoos need to be covered in line with the school's policy. No hats/hoods in school
● When in schools or with children mobile phones should not be used unless directed by your line manager. If you do need to use your phone for music it should be on silent and you should not use it for personal calls or messages at anytime.
● Act as a role model, gaining the respect and trust of the children and adults you work with
● Work to a high standard at all times, particularly in relation to issues such as child safeguarding and health and safety requirements.
● Be prepared to cover other classes at short notice