Industry Sectors

Environmental Sciences

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Work Description

Biological scientists and biochemists examine and investigate the morphology, structure, chemistry and physical characteristics of living organisms, including their inter-relationships, environments and diseases.


Entrants usually possess a degree. Entry may also be possible with an appropriate BTEC/SQA award, an Advanced GNVQ/GSVQ Level III, or other academic qualifications. Further specialist training is provided on the job. Some employers may expect entrants to gain professional qualifications.

Job Tasks

studies the physical and chemical form, structure, composition and function of living organisms; identifies and studies the chemical substances, including microbial infections, involved in physiological processes and the progress of disease; performs tests to study physiological and pathological characteristics within cells and other organisms; researches the effects of internal and external environmental factors on the life processes and other functions of living organisms; observes the structure of communities of organisms in the laboratory and in their natural environment; advises farmers, medical staff and others, on the nature of field crops, livestock and produce and on the treatment and prevention of disease; monitors the distribution, presence and behaviour of plants, animals and aquatic life, and performs other scientific tasks related to conservation not performed by jobholders in MINOR GROUP 214: Conservation and Environment Professionals.

Related Jobs

Adviser, agricultural Adviser, horticultural Adviser, poultry Adviser Agroclimatologist Agronomist Agrostologist Anatomist Assistant, research Assistant, research Assistant, research Assistant, research Assistant, research Assistant, research Associate, research, clinical Associate, research Associate, research Associate, research Associate, research Associate, research Associate, research Associate, research Bacteriologist Biochemist Biologist Biotechnologist Botanist Breeder, plant Chemist, agricultural Chemist, biological Chemist, forensic Chemist, soil Conchologist Consultant, agricultural Consultant, arboricultural Consultant, dairy Consultant, farming Consultant, fisheries Consultant, forestry Consultant, horticultural Cytogeneticist Cytologist Cytotaxonomist Director of research Embryologist Endocrinologist Engineer, genetic Engineer Entomologist Examiner, forensic Fieldman Fieldsman Geneticist Helminthologist Herpetologist Histologist Histopathologist Horticulturalist Horticulturist Hydrobiologist Ichthyologist Immunologist Kinesiologist Lepidopterist Limnologist MLSO Manager, arboricultural Manager, research Manager, research Manager, research Manager, research Manager, research Manager, research Manager, research Microbiologist Monitor, trials, clinical Mycologist Naturalist Nematologist Neuroscientist, computational Nutritionist, agricultural Nutritionist, animal Nutritionist, research Nutritionist, ruminant Officer, advisory, district Officer, advisory Officer, advisory Officer, experimental, chief Officer, experimental, senior Officer, fatstock Officer, field Officer, field Officer, horticultural Officer, production, milk Officer, research Officer, research Officer, research Officer, research Officer, research Officer, research Officer, science, laboratory, medical Officer, scientific, laboratory, medical Officer, scientific Officer, scientific Officer, scientific Officer, scientific Officer, scientific Officer, scientific Officer, stock, live Officer, technical Officer, trials, field Ornithologist Osteologist Parasitologist Pathologist, plant Pathologist, veterinary Pathologist Pharmacologist Physiologist Researcher Researcher Researcher Researcher Researcher Researcher Scientist, agricultural Scientist, animal Scientist, aquatic Scientist, audiological Scientist, biomedical Scientist, clinical Scientist, forensic Scientist, horticultural Scientist, laboratory, medical Scientist, laboratory Scientist, marine Scientist, research, fisheries Scientist, research Scientist, research Scientist, research Scientist, research Scientist, research Scientist, research Scientist, research Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist Scientist Serologist, veterinary Silviculturist Systematist Taxonomist Technologist, biomedical Technologist, genetic Toxicologist Virologist Worker, research Worker, research Worker, research Worker, research Worker, research Worker, research Zoologist 

Estimated Pay

Information on weekly pay (average, median and decile) is taken from a combination of two sources: the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE); and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) (both conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)). ASHE is widely regarded as the most reliable source of information on Pay and Hours, however it does not include information on pay by qualification as well as some other characteristics (such as self-employment).

Unemployment Data

The level and rate of UK unemployment for this career path measured by the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as a percentage, using the International Labour Organisation's definition of unemployment.

Projected Employment Levels

Estimated Hours

Work Description

Jobholders in this unit group perform a variety of scientific research and related activities not elsewhere classified in MINOR GROUP 211: Natural and Social Science Professionals.


Entry is most common with a degree or equivalent qualification but is possible with other academic qualifications and/or relevant experience. On-the-job training and/or support for postgraduate study may be provided. Professional qualifications are available in some areas of activity.

Job Tasks

plans, directs and undertakes research into natural phenomena; provides technical advisory and consulting services; designs tests and experiments to address research objective and find solutions; applies models and techniques to medical, industrial, agricultural, military and similar applications; analyses results and writes up results of tests and experiments undertaken; presents results of scientific research to sponsors, addresses conferences and publishes articles outlining the methodology and results of research undertaken; designs and develops an appropriate research methodology in order to address the research objective; compiles and analyses quantitative and qualitative data, prepares reports and presents results to summarise main findings and conclusions; advises government, private organisations and special interest groups on policy issues; writes journal articles, books, and addresses conferences, seminars and the media to reveal research findings.

Related Jobs

Adviser, scientific Assistant, research Associate, research Associate, safety, drug Biomechanist Fellow, research, university, nos Fellow, research, university Fellow, research Officer, experimental, chief Officer, experimental, senior Officer, scientific Officer, technical Researcher, postdoctoral Researcher, university Researcher Scientist, consumer Scientist, research, operational Scientist, research Scientist, sports Scientist, sports and exercise Scientist 

Estimated Pay

Information on weekly pay (average, median and decile) is taken from a combination of two sources: the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE); and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) (both conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)). ASHE is widely regarded as the most reliable source of information on Pay and Hours, however it does not include information on pay by qualification as well as some other characteristics (such as self-employment).

Unemployment Data

The level and rate of UK unemployment for this career path measured by the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as a percentage, using the International Labour Organisation's definition of unemployment.

Projected Employment Levels

Estimated Hours

Work Description

Conservation professionals are responsible for ensuring that landscapes, habitats and species are protected and enhanced via appropriate management and conservation. They promote public understanding and awareness of the natural environment and help to develop and implement appropriate policies to achieve these objectives.


Entrants normally require a degree in a relevant subject, sometimes with a related postgraduate qualification. Entry is also possible with a relevant BTEC/SQA Award or HND. Prior practical work experience (which may be obtained on a voluntary basis) is needed for most posts. Additional on-the-job training is available.

Job Tasks

promotes and implements local and national biodiversity action plans, particularly with regard to threatened species and habitats; carries out environmental impact assessments and field surveys; implements, evaluates and monitors schemes for the management and protection of natural habitats; provides advice and information to government at national and local levels, clients, landowners, planners and developers to facilitate the protection of the natural environment; liaises with other groups in the selection and maintenance of the Protected Site System including Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Ramsar sites, and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and National Nature Reserves (NNRs); maintains and develops knowledge in relevant policy areas within a national and European legislative context; promotes conservation issues via educational talks, displays, workshops and literature and liaison with the media; prepares applications for funding to other organisations, and assessing applications for funding from other organisations; carries out research into aspects of the natural world.

Related Jobs

Adviser, conservation Adviser, countryside Adviser, management, land Conservationist, marine Conservationist, nature, coastal Conservationist Consultant, ecological Ecologist, marine Ecologist Inspector, buildings, historic Inspector Interpreter, heritage Manager, conservation Manager, countryside Manager, heritage Manager, park, national Officer, access, countryside Officer, access Officer, conservancy Officer, conservation, assistant Officer, conservation, chief Officer, conservation, energy Officer, conservation, senior Officer, conservation, water Officer, conservation Officer, conservation Officer, countryside Officer, development, rural Officer, district Officer, divisional Officer, ecology Officer, field Officer, heritage Officer, park, national Scientist, landscape Surveyor, field, biological 

Estimated Pay

Information on weekly pay (average, median and decile) is taken from a combination of two sources: the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE); and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) (both conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)). ASHE is widely regarded as the most reliable source of information on Pay and Hours, however it does not include information on pay by qualification as well as some other characteristics (such as self-employment).

Unemployment Data

The level and rate of UK unemployment for this career path measured by the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as a percentage, using the International Labour Organisation's definition of unemployment.

Projected Employment Levels

Estimated Hours

Work Description

Jobholders in this unit group investigate, address, and advise on a variety of terrestrial and marine environment and resource management issues, including the development and implementation of environmental policies and remedies that address the impacts of human activities and industrial processes on the environment.


A good degree in a relevant subject is normally a minimum entry qualification, and some employers will require a postgraduate qualification. Relevant work experience to complement academic qualifications is highly desirable. Professional qualifications across a wide range of areas of work are available.

Job Tasks

identifies contamination of land, air or water and assesses any adverse impact on the environment; advises on and provides solutions for mitigating the effects of such contamination; implements remediation works; carries out environment-related desk-based research and fieldwork to collect, analyse and interpret data to determine their validity, quality and significance; carries out environmental audits and environmental impact assessments; communicates scientific and technical information to relevant audiences in an appropriate form, via reports, workshops, educational events, public hearings; assists organisations to conduct their activities in an environmentally appropriate manner; implements, reviews and advises on regulatory and legislative standards, guidelines and policies; provides professional guidance to clients, government agencies, regulators and other relevant bodies, having regard for sustainable approaches and solutions.

Related Jobs

Chemist, environmental Consultant, environmental Engineer, environmental Engineer, geoenvironmental Engineer, land, contaminated Engineer, landfill Engineer Environmentalist Manager, energy Manager, environmental Manager, risk, flood Manager, safety and environmental, health Manager, warning, flood Manager Manager Officer, carbon and sustainability Officer, defence, flood Officer, education, environmental Officer, environmental Officer, interpretation Officer, interpretative Officer, protection, environmental Officer, sustainability Officer, warning, flood Scientist, environmental Scientist, quality, water Specialist, geoenvironmental Specialist, land, contaminated 

Estimated Pay

Information on weekly pay (average, median and decile) is taken from a combination of two sources: the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE); and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) (both conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)). ASHE is widely regarded as the most reliable source of information on Pay and Hours, however it does not include information on pay by qualification as well as some other characteristics (such as self-employment).

Unemployment Data

The level and rate of UK unemployment for this career path measured by the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as a percentage, using the International Labour Organisation's definition of unemployment.

Projected Employment Levels

Estimated Hours

Work Description

Jobholders in this unit group use specialist technical skills and knowledge to protect people from health risks associated with the environment in which they live and work. They maintain and safeguard standards, including taking legal action to enforce relevant legislation with regard to public health policy.


Entrants normally require a degree accredited by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) or the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) in addition to a work-based training placement, followed by professional examinations.

Job Tasks

inspects businesses for compliance with legislation on health and safety, food hygiene and food standards and takes appropriate action in the event of non-compliance; follows up complaints of unsafe workplaces, investigating accidents; investigates outbreaks of food poisoning, infectious diseases or pests; monitors radiation activity, levels of noise, air, land and water pollution and takes appropriate action when safety levels are exceeded; ensures animal welfare for compliance with legislation, issues licences for premises such as pet shops, zoos and abattoirs; gives talks at public enquiries and meetings, ensures compliance through education, advice and enforcement; initiates legal proceedings and gives evidence in court.

Related Jobs

Inspector, food Inspector, health, environmental Inspector, health, port Inspector, health, public Inspector, pollution, air Inspector, sanitary Inspector, shops Inspector, smoke Manager, health, environmental Officer, control, smoke Officer, enforcement, professional Officer, health, environmental Officer, health, port Officer, health, public Officer, sanitary Officer, technical 

Estimated Pay

Information on weekly pay (average, median and decile) is taken from a combination of two sources: the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE); and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) (both conducted by the Office for National Statistics (ONS)). ASHE is widely regarded as the most reliable source of information on Pay and Hours, however it does not include information on pay by qualification as well as some other characteristics (such as self-employment).

Unemployment Data

The level and rate of UK unemployment for this career path measured by the Labour Force Survey (LFS) as a percentage, using the International Labour Organisation's definition of unemployment.

Projected Employment Levels

Estimated Hours

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