Search Accountancy Intermediate Level 2 Apprenticeships

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Accounting Apprenticeships are your way to start earning industry recognised qualifications while gaining experience in an accountancy role. From working as an assistant learning what accounting is all about to being responsible for a range of accounts and earn a Masters Level qualification!

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Apprenticeships could be the ideal option for you when you’re thinking about getting your first job, starting your career or changing your career path. Apprenticeships combine working and experience with studying and qualifications. As an Apprentice, you’ll be working for a company with real responsibilities, but you’ll also go to College, University or maybe have a personal tutor who visits you in the workplace to study your related subject. As well as this, you’ll also be mentored by an experienced member of staff who’ll teach you the more hands-on skills you need!

Your apprenticeship will last between 1 and 6 years, depending on the level course you choose to study. When you finish your Apprenticeship, you will gain your Apprenticeship certificate and anything from an NVQ, BTEC or a degree as well as some other industry related qualifications your employer or training provider might put you through!

If you choose to do an intermediate (level 2) Apprenticeship, you’ll get qualifications the equivalent of 5 GCSES. An advanced (level 3) Apprenticeship is the same as doing 2 A-Levels! There are longer programmes such as the higher Apprenticeships and degree Apprenticeships. Higher (Level 4) Apprenticeships would mean you get qualifications the equivalent to a foundation year of a degree but higher Apprenticeships are also at level 5 and level 6. A degree (level 6) Apprenticeship will give you a Bachelor’s Degree qualification and a Masters (level 7) Apprenticeship would be the equivalent of your getting a master’s degree! What’s not to love about gaining those qualifications, all without the debt?!

When you choose to do your Apprenticeship, you’ll be working towards an ‘Apprenticeship Standard’. The Government decided to introduce these in 2017, and it means that no matter what your jobs is, there are still certain attitudes, skills and academic knowledge that you should learn during your Apprenticeship. This means that everybody who’s doing the standard as you, could be doing something slightly different day to day at work (like a real working environment) but you will also learn the essentials of the job in any company. Perfect!

Use this search page to find the best Apprenticeship for you and start your career today!

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